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Social Judgment Lab


Amanda K. Sesko, Ph.D.
University of Washington Tacoma

I am a social psychologist interested in stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination. In my work I investigate how stereotypes guide judgments of, memory for, and behavior directed at individuals belonging to marginalized groups. For example, in my primary line of research, I examine intersectional invisibility, a unique form of discrimination characterized by not being attended to, remembered, differentiated from others, or given recognition for contributions that is experienced by individuals with multiple stigmatized identities (Sesko & Biernat, 2010, 2018, under review). Invisibility leads perceivers to commit memory errors for individual voices and faces that has compelling consequences (e.g., for workplace discrimination; Biernat & Sesko, 2013), and experiencing invisibility leads to lower well-being (Sesko & Biernat, under review). I have also conducted equity focused research in applied and community settings. For example, I am a Co-PI on a 1.5-million-dollar National Science Foundation grant that promotes access in STEM for low-income underrepresented students.

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2018-present | Assistant Professor of Psychology

School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences

Division of Social, Behavioral, and Human Sciences

University of Washington Tacoma, Tacoma, WA


2017-2018 | Associate Professor of Psychology

Department of Social Sciences University of Alaska Southeast, Juneau, AK


2011-2017 | Assistant Professor of Psychology

Department of Social Sciences, University of Alaska Southeast, Juneau, AK


2007-2011 | University of Kansas, Ph.D. in Psychology (emphasis is Social Psychology)

2005-2007 | University of Kansas, M.A. in Psychology (emphasis is Social Psychology)

2000-2004 | University of Wisconsin-Madison, B.S

Major: Psychology

Minor: Women’s Studies



Courses that I offer (*designates courses that I teach often):

Friends, enemies, and intimates*

Fundamentals of Psychological Research I*

Fundamentals of Psychological Research II*

Human Sexuality

Introduction to Psychology*

Psychology of Gender*

Social Psychology

Stereotyping, Prejudice, & Discrimination*

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Contact Me

Division of Social, Behavioral, and Human Sciences
School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
University of Washington Tacoma
1900 Commerce St.
Tacoma, WA 98402

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